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Full count chaos is a podcast sports show that covers all the weekly chaos that goes on with the Baltimore Orioles and major league baseball. Feel free to contact the show anytime. Thanks for tuning in and don't forget to subscribe. Here's to hoping the Orioles don't suck this year!
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The podcast is hosted by Nathan Andrews who grew up in Baltimore and has been an Orioles fan his entire life. His father pitched in the Orioles organization back in the 70's when baseball was all about pork chop sideburns and smoking in the dugout. Nathan has also hosted prior radio and podcast shows and understands not everyone will agree with his opinions, thoughts and humor about sports, but he knows that's just part of the gig.
Latest Episode
Latest Guests:
Press Box Online
The Verge
Barstool Sports
Locked on Orioles
Jeremy Conn
The Athletic
Zach Bollinger
My dad
Trev the baseball Heckler
Any and all support for the
podcast is sincerely appreciated

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